Agentt's Works

Stories the crazy man in alley may tell you
Where is the comedy tag??? Like, i get this site is new and all, but you can't just forget to put a comedy tag! Why is there a werewolf tag and not a comedy tag!
We all have to admit the times before us were unbelievable. Like, there was a war apparently? And citizens were drafted? And cocaine was in our sodas? And a man who has a salary of minimum wages could buy a house and support his family? Like, geez. But still, adults love to tell stories that definitely cannot be real. Stories like, like my father once told me he used to run 3 kilometres everyday after school to reach home within half an hour so that he coukd watch his favourite tv show. If you don't realise, that makes him faster than Ussain Bolt. Anyhow, this is a story of a similar man, a seline man. Perhaps your grandpa who is more than willing to tell you stories of his past.

Oneshot: The price of a smile, and it's not even beautiful
A practice oneshot for GL.