The Spotlight

On a weekly basis, Ritoria's moderators shine the spotlight on the most distinguished free works on Ritoria!

Here's the best of the best for this week!

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A House With Heartthrobs

A House With Heartthrobs

by Rence Gonzales
Fiction Young Adult Romance

When Kaoree became orphaned due to the death of her parents she worked as a maid of five men. He fell in love with one of them but unexpectedly - whether they hide the past and forget it, there are people coming back to mess everything.


Will they be able to overcome it because of the love, and friendship that they bond them together?

Or, there are things that can't be changed because that's what's destined to happen.

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I'd Prefer Death

I'd Prefer Death

by Irene Wells
Adventure Young Adult Comedy Slice of Life Fiction Contemporary Romance

When Blaise died, her final thoughts weren't something prophetic or miraculous. In fact, all she wanted was a hot chocolate. Maybe a donut. 

Yet, when she ended up at the afterlife, she received both, with a free coupon for the mistake that had just occured. She wasn't supposed to die right then, and her death caused ripple effects that eventually resulted in World War 3. 

So, there she was, back on Earth, knowing exactly how her life was going to play out. The worst part? She had to go along with it.

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You Plus Me Equals Special Chapters

You Plus Me Equals Special Chapters

by KatWilkinson

Extra special chapter from You Plus Me Equals, you can get the full book with over 12 extra chapters on amazon for a few bucks.

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Strangers In The Night

Strangers In The Night

by writerkid101
BL LQBTQ+ Fiction Contemporary Drama Slice of Life Romance

It's just 44 hours, really, and weddings are supposed to fly by. Right?


The moment he stepped onto the hotel property, Ian should've realized a mistake was made. He should've expected something when his ex-girlfriend's bridesmaid kept asking him for favors but wasn't paying him back. Even if he was more than happy to support an old friend, even to escape the menial architecture job he's been at since he and the now-bride broke up, the next three days are for her. He will not complain.

Robert - or Bo - is only there because his family made him. He doesn't want to be here. He's his sister's plus one, and, while he knows getting out of the house is probably good for him, Bo's willing and ready to wallow in his left-behind dreams of music and dance. He doesn't know anyone. He just hopes that he'll be able to talk to as few people as possible, find his room without getting lost, and be able to gorge himself on food.

It's just 44 hours, really, and weddings are supposed to fly by. Right?


All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the publisher is unlawful piracy and theft of the author's intellectual property.

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The Adventures of Astatine

The Adventures of Astatine

by miyaskya
Fantasy BL Adventure LQBTQ+ Drama Magic

Book 2 of the Grand Epic Elemental trilogy

After recovering from his injuries, Astatine sets off on a journey to the Western Region, which has fallen into chaos after being invaded by the armies of the Southern Region.

During his travels, he meets a mysterious stranger and offers to accompany him to the next city.  They become travel companions, although the stranger is reluctant to talk about his past and carries an object in his bag that he keeps closely guarded.

What adventures await our two wanderers?

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