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Ritoria's newest masterpieces! Give them a read! 

WOLF - The two Packs

WOLF - The two Packs

by sasi
Werewolf Fantasy BL Romance

The two werewolves Mads and Levi meet for the first time as children. Only a few years later do they meet again and feel attracted to each other. But their two packs don't get along.

In addition, Mads fears being tied to a witch or a wizard as a servant and leaving his homeland as a slave. Because his pack always sends the weakest wolves to protect the strength of the pack.

This is an agreement made with the witches a long time ago when the wolves lost the war.

(This is a spin-off to Julia's story. (WITCH – The Revolt) The book can be read as a stand-alone book, but I recommend reading the witch books as well to better understand the world. In addition, you will meet some characters there again.)

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The 24-Hour Library

The 24-Hour Library

by Jordyn Frederick
Fiction Contemporary Adult Slice of Life Forced Proximity

Working at a library during the dead hours of the night is far from the most exciting job. But when a homeless man wanders in one night, seeking shelter, Blaire's job proves to be more important than she ever would have thought.

A story of people seeking a safe space in the middle of winter.

(CW for swearing.)

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Actual Series!

Actual Series!

Fantasy Science Fiction Adventure Action Apocalyptic Utopic/Dystopic Young Adult

First non-smutty book! 

Welcome to Actual Series! This will be the main book I will be writing. I will TRY to upload consistently for this one, because this book is a passion. 


Get ready, for an adventure, a flourish of destiny, a wiplash of exhilaration, and a twist of tragic agony.

This is Actual Series. 

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"Cold Front"- Winnie's Side

"Cold Front"- Winnie's Side

by ReaderDokja
BL Fanfiction LQBTQ+ Fiction Romance

Hello! This is a fanfiction of the game called Cold Front. This is almost like this game itself, only told in Winnie's POV. My boyfriend and i made this together and i wanted to share it. apologies for any typos, mispuncuation, and grammer. Please enjoy! critism is highly welcomed!

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The Lonely Lighthouse

The Lonely Lighthouse

by miyaskya
Fantasy BL LQBTQ+ Supernatural Drama

After his parents died in a tragic car accident, Andreas had to drop out of university and return home to maintain the family lighthouse on a remote island in the northern seas. For three years, he lived a quiet, solitary life, accompanied only by his dog Bjorn.

One day, a mysterious stranger washes ashore…

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Space Opera Elemental

Space Opera Elemental

by miyaskya
Science Fiction Adventure LQBTQ+ Drama

Sci-fi AU of Grand Epic Elemental

Leiyu, part-time bounty hunter, scrap collector, and freelancer worker, hears through the grapevine that the Imperiat, an intergalactic empire, has placed a bounty on Princess Amara of the planet Tokamanen, although he does not wish to pursue it because of his own negative experiences with the empire's forces.  

While he is on another assignment, he is rescued by an interplanetary traveler who goes by the name Thallios.  They journey together to complete more assignments, but Leiyu wonders why Thallios is so secretive about their past and also notices that the Imperiat's soldiers seem to be following them.

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The Adventures of Astatine

The Adventures of Astatine

by miyaskya
Fantasy BL Adventure LQBTQ+ Drama Magic

Book 2 of the Grand Epic Elemental trilogy

After recovering from his injuries, Astatine sets off on a journey to the Western Region, which has fallen into chaos after being invaded by the armies of the Southern Region.

During his travels, he meets a mysterious stranger and offers to accompany him to the next city.  They become travel companions, although the stranger is reluctant to talk about his past and carries an object in his bag that he keeps closely guarded.

What adventures await our two wanderers?

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The Wars Sacrifice

The Wars Sacrifice

by ReaderDokja
Action Fiction Utopic/Dystopic

There has been a great war going on in the country of Pandion, which is one of the biggest countries on the planet Lindor. The government on Pandion is an imperial country that has been separated into two different sides, Scag and Regime.
      The Regime is the government’s side of the war, as for the Scag are the militia fighting against the government force the people on the Scags side do not support anything involving the government. Whether it be work, buy houses, or put their kids in schools that are part of the Regime. Even though some people are on the Scags side they think education is important for kids and sends them to school anyway.
      The people that are on the Regimes side do not get to choose if they go to war or not, the government decides for them. People who donate money to the Regime live very wealthy lives and do not worry about anything. People who are on the Regimes side but do not donate are ignored by the Government and live poor lives. The government treats anybody that does not donate the same, taxes are high, bills are high, even buying food is high. The people who donate to the Regimes get lower taxes, less bills, and are given a pin that says they are for the government (which makes buying food cheaper for them) The government provides them with new tech and things that no one else could buy.
     People one the Scags side all work for the Scag-some people who are on the Scags side live in the towns and cities to get info or just didn’t want to move; They live in either small concrete houses, little houses like forts that have been built out of the government trash, or they live in tents; some also live with the Regime side to try and seek latest information to give to the Scag. Anyone on the Scags side gets to choose if they fight or support. Most of them live away from the military and make places for them to live out there where most do not live they build up from out there.

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Touch of Lightning (Lightning Touch Book 1) - Excerpt: First 4 Chapters

Touch of Lightning (Lightning Touch Book 1) - Excerpt: First 4 Chapters

by Susan McKenzie
Science Fiction Young Adult Romance

*** This is the first 4 chapters as a sample to see if you like the story and my writing style before committing to paying for it. ***

A dangerous job. A mining disaster. A declaration of love that may have come too late.

Her job in a space station requires nerves of steel and a cold heart, but Lennina is paralyzed with fear for the life of her work partner each time there’s an earthquake on the planet’s surface. Her jealous boyfriend accuses her of having an affair with him and turns to violence when she denies it.

Bruised and broken, she ends the relationship. Then when a quake traps miners underground, she discovers her work partner means more to her than life itself.

As a new telepathic ability manifests itself, can Lennina use it to save the man she loves?

TOUCH OF LIGHTNING is an exciting first book in the Lightning Touch Series that will transport sci-fi and paranormal fans to a distant space station, filled with suspense, danger, and romance. If you like reading stories about healthy relationships with a slow burn forbidden love and sassy witty banter, you’ll love this friends-to-lovers sci-fi adventure with a HEA.

© Susan McKenzie. All rights reserved.

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Crush on Teacher, Obsessed with the Bad Boy

Crush on Teacher, Obsessed with the Bad Boy

by Shamona Pretz
Young Adult Romance

Fifteen-year-old Tawny Matthews is a poor student who receives a scholarship to attend Ivoree Gates, an elite private school attended only by the children of the wealthiest in the nation.

While at the boarding school, Tawny meets and gradually falls for Professor McCurdy, her handsome, enigmatic English teacher.

Tawny also runs afoul of Dylan, the hot, arrogant, most popular rich boy in the high school and also the most feared, and he makes her life on campus a living hell.

Will Tawny rise above the cliques and class structure of her new environment, and prove to the other students that money isn't everything?

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Grand Epic Elemental

Grand Epic Elemental

by miyaskya
Fantasy BL Adventure LQBTQ+ Magic

Book 1 of the Grand Epic Elemental trilogy

In a world overseen by the goddesses of the four elements, Leiyu accompanies a trade caravan traveling westward to the Kingdom of Ishkhandar. Little does he know, he is about to meet someone who will change his life and embark on a journey to escape fate.

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Death Is A Bottom?!?

Death Is A Bottom?!?

by Mauri
Fantasy Thriller BL Horror Action LQBTQ+ Supernatural Adult Comedy Smut Magic Romance

Deyonte Wallace is no stranger to the uncanny and supernatural. Ever since surviving a near-death car accident as a child, he's developed the ability to see otherworldly ghosts, entities, and monsters. 

And he can't fathom having to deal with a bigger burden. 

Deyonte can't focus on hobbies or his studies as a first-year master's student due to constantly having to fend off supernatural nuances that are strangely attached. Even so, these creatures, though annoying, have never been violent. 

That is until one kills him during his nightly ritual of midnight coffee runs. 

Deyonte should have been dead, but to his luck, he was saved by a mysterious creature that was different from the rest. Death itself.

Death informs Deyonte that his soul is caught between a state of living and deceased. Due to the uncanny strong power within his soul, it's not the last time he'll be monsters and demons menu. As much as that terrifies Deyonte he can't help but feel a strange attraction to the entity known as Death. 

As Deyonte and Death battle hell spawns to escape deadly experiences and unravel the mysteries of each other's past they will somehow get themselves wedged between a crossfire of heaven and hell with both of their very souls on the line. During this quest, Deyonte will have to discover if making out and topping the Grim Reaper is worth all the headache

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Strangers In The Night

Strangers In The Night

by writerkid101
BL LQBTQ+ Fiction Contemporary Drama Slice of Life Romance

It's just 44 hours, really, and weddings are supposed to fly by. Right?


The moment he stepped onto the hotel property, Ian should've realized a mistake was made. He should've expected something when his ex-girlfriend's bridesmaid kept asking him for favors but wasn't paying him back. Even if he was more than happy to support an old friend, even to escape the menial architecture job he's been at since he and the now-bride broke up, the next three days are for her. He will not complain.

Robert - or Bo - is only there because his family made him. He doesn't want to be here. He's his sister's plus one, and, while he knows getting out of the house is probably good for him, Bo's willing and ready to wallow in his left-behind dreams of music and dance. He doesn't know anyone. He just hopes that he'll be able to talk to as few people as possible, find his room without getting lost, and be able to gorge himself on food.

It's just 44 hours, really, and weddings are supposed to fly by. Right?


All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the publisher is unlawful piracy and theft of the author's intellectual property.

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Cousin Shawn

Cousin Shawn

by Bomb
LQBTQ+ Young Adult Drama Dark

When cousins Marcus and Shawn first met, they may not have been fast friends, but family is family regardless of transgressions. Now that Cousin Shawn is back from Louisiana, what fresh hell will he and Marcus cook up? They certainly aren't heroes.

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The Alien

The Alien

by Susan McKenzie
Science Fiction Romance

“I could tell by the way he looked at me. He was afraid...”

Lilliana's interplanetary journey takes an unexpected turn when her ship crashes on a primitive planet.

Stranded and injured, she must keep a low profile to avoid alerting the locals, who are yet to discover space travel. Lilliana soon realizes that she can't survive on her own and desperately needs help until her brother arrives.

She is soon discovered, but the alien, Jarath, surprises her when he takes her in. Though they can only communicate through basic gestures, she feels drawn to him, but she is determined to never give her heart away again.

With others of Jarath's kind searching for her, the race is on. But who will get to her first - her brother, or the aliens out to do her harm?

Sparks fly in this romantic science fiction novelette.

© Susan McKenzie 2017. All rights reserved.

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Fire and Magic (The Jadori Book 1)

Fire and Magic (The Jadori Book 1)

by Susan McKenzie
Fantasy Magic Romance

A girl who sees ghosts. A magic out of control. A group hellbent on destroying what they’re afraid of.

Maddie can see ghosts and for that she is sent to a mental institution. Maddie Johnson is sent to a mental institution because she talks to people who aren’t there. She insists that they’re ghosts. Just as she thinks she’s convinced the doctors that she is fine now, a dark-haired ghost with dreamy brown eyes rushes in and ruins everything.

She is sent to a halfway house that helps people with mental illness assimilate back into society. But then she hurts someone using magic she didn’t know she possessed. Now she has a new problem. She will have to learn to control her magic.

She discovers that the town has secrets of its own and there are people going missing. How far are people willing to go to destroy what they are afraid of? Maddie and her handsome spirit might just find out first-hand.

© 2024 Susan McKenzie. All rights reserved.

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A Woven Attachment

A Woven Attachment

by Matchamo
Fantasy Magic Romance Fiction Comedy

Emaline’s accidental run-in with Falworth’s handsome Royal Commander and a mix-up with a magical hankie stirs rumors in their small town. Only, a peeved Commander is the least of her concerns when the Crown Prince himself asks her to join forces with the Commander. From magical mischief to political intrigue, this seamstress is about to find herself tangled up in a whole lot more than thread. 

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Latch On Me

Latch On Me

by Christy Oshima
BL LQBTQ+ Romance

"...Plato spoke of the original humans as creatures with two heads, two pairs of hands and feet. Monstrous creatures, correct? Monstrous enough to make the God of Gods tremble in fear. He couldn’t have that, so  Zeus with a single thunderbolt split them in two, forcing them to spend a lifetime searching for their other half. Let’s say I found mine in Phillip. Phillip was me, and I was Phillip..."

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Barefoot Island

Barefoot Island

by Bomb
LQBTQ+ Young Adult Slice of Life Smut

Through sex, fame, and disaster, Loui can always count on one thing. The Band. Join Loui and his bandmates on their risky, kinky, journey to stardom. 


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Punchline Of Love

Punchline Of Love

by Hoku
Action Contemporary Young Adult Comedy Drama Slice of Life Romance

A Korean-Drama Inspired Light Novel! ~⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄.

Mееt Yoo Ji-won, a spiritеd university studеnt with a knockout punch and a sеcrеt ambition to bеcomе a pro boxеr. Whеn shе crossеs paths with thе goofy but charming Lее Min-joon, a budding stand-up comеdian, thеir worlds collidе in thе most unеxpеctеd way. As thеy navigatе thеir drеams and carееrs, thеir journеy is a dеlightful blеnd of humor, lovе, and laughtеr, promising a knockout romancе likе no othеr. Can Ji-won's powerful punchеs and Min-joon's comеdic charm crеatе thе pеrfеct "Punchlinе of Lovе"?

Thanks for the Love and Support given to this novel because of that I was able to reach the top 50.

Updates Every: FRIDAY >_<

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